When The Holy Prophet Of Islam Hazrat Mohammed (May Peace And Blessing Of God Be Upon His Soul) Appeared On The Scene Of Arabia In 750 AD,Satan Had Virtually Established His Devilish Kingdom Over The Arabs Who Were Steeped Into Abysmal Ignorance And Sin. What Was The Actual Condition Of Arabia Before The Birth Of Holy Prophet Mohammed? According To The Holy Quran, “It Was On The Verge Of Fiery Abyss.” The Barbarous Arabs Were Completely Submerged Under The Evil Influence Of Satan. They Were Soaking In Superstition, Ignorance, Cruelty And Idolatry And Were Torn Asunder By Internecine Feuds And Wars. They Had No Settled Government And Lived A Nomadic Life. Wine, Women And Every Kind Of Vice And Crime Summed Up Their General Attitude Towards Life. Even The Jews And The Christians Had Forgotten The Teachings Of Their Prophets Moses And Jesus, And Had Become Idolaters. Writing About The Condition Of Christianity In The 7th Century Was Itself Decrepit And Corrupt. It Was Disabled By Contending Schisms And Had Substituted The Peculiarities Of Superstition Of The Pure And Expansive Faith Of The Early Ages. The Teachings Of The Prophet Of Islam, However Wrought A Dynamic Transformation In The Sinful Life Of The Arabs Within Only A Few Years Despite All The Worst Type Of Oppression, Insults And Persecution By The Evil Forces Of Satan In Order To Stick To Their Devilish Ways Of Life. But, In Spite Of All These Obstacles, Prophet Mohammed Succeeded And Succeeded Triumphantly In Completely Routing The Forces Of Satan And Religion Of Peace And Prosperity Happiness Of The Whole World As Well.